Should You Run a Dehumidifier and AC at the Same Time?
However, you shouldn’t run a dehumidifier and AC together all the time. Otherwise, it may lead to over energy use, and potential strain on your electrical system.

Where Should the Vapor Barrier Be Installed? In a Crawl Space
This detailed guide explains how to properly place a vapour barrier in your crawl space to prevent moisture issues and ensure long-lasting protection.

7 Steps on How to Clean Dehumidifier
Maintaining a clean dehumidifier is crucial to ensure its efficiency and keep the air in your home fresh and healthy. A dirty dehumidifier can harbor mold spores, dust mites, and other allergens, n...

A Comprehensive Guide to Carpet Mold Removal
Carpet mold is a common issue that can affect any home. Whether you're a homeowner, a renter, or a property manager, understanding how to identify, remove, and prevent mold in your carpets is essen...